Successful start onshore test PosHYdon; a world first in the North Sea

For the first time, integration of offshore wind, gas and green hydrogen is taking place on an operational gas platform in the North Sea. The Q13a-A platform of Neptune Energy (Eni) will, after successful onshore tests in Alkmaar, be equipped with an electrolyser to produce green hydrogen on an existing platform, thanks to the PosHYdon consortium. First production offshore is scheduled for the fourth quarter of 2024. Never before has an operational oil or gas platform been used for the integration and production of green hydrogen. The green hydrogen molecules produced will be transported to land along with natural gas via existing pipelines.

Last week, after years of studies and development, the kick-off of PosHYdon’s onshore tests took place at the site of InVesta in Alkmaar, one of the affiliated partners within PosHYdon. An important milestone; the electrolyser will then be transported to the platform, tested and installed. This will enable us to land green hydrogen molecules with gray gas molecules through existing infrastructure. A unique achievement!

As co-initiator of PosHYdon, Nexstep brought the parties together at the beginning of the project. Nexstep also took over part of the project coordination.

Consortium partners: Nexstep, Neptune Energy, TNO, Gasunie, Eneco, DEME Offshore NL, NOGAT, Noordgastransport, NEL Hydrogen, InVesta, TAQA, Hatenboer, Iv, Emerson Automation Solutions, Energie Beheer Nederland (EBN).